Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Task 2 - Concept Board's

For my concept board's, I looked for images related to my walled Roman City theme. As such, I looked for images of Roman Architecture, in order to base my work upon them. In order to create my concept board, I took images of the internet, and put them onto a word document in order to present them. Upon putting the images into the document, I put them into a layout that fits and looks presentable. In all cases I had to reduce the size to fit them onto the page.

When I was looking for the images, I made sure to gather images of important Roman Landmark's in order to make sure my work resembled actual architecture, instead of looking completely unrelated. For my images, I chose the Colosseum, a Pantheon, an aqueduct, and a set of Roman pillars in order to fit the roman architectural themes.

1 comment:

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